PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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Date and place of birth: Ferrara (Italy), July 3rd, Nationality: Italian

Affiliation and official address: Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Section of Molecular Biology, University of Ferrara, Via Fossato di Mortara 74, 44121 Ferrara, Italy
Telephone: +39 0532 974510 (office) +39 0532 974505 (lab)


2001: Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Degree, summa cum laude (University of Ferrara)

2005: PhD in Biotechnology (University of Ferrara)

2005-2016: Post Doc (University of Ferrara)

2016-present: Assistant Professor (3-years fixed term position, RTD-A) at the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Department (University of Ferrara)


2001/2003: Research Project “Controllo della trascrizione dei geni codificanti proteine del reticolo sarcoplasmatico giunzionale del muscolo scheletrico nell’ atrofia da disuso e nel muscolo transgenico (Fellowship from ASI, Italian Space Agency). Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2003: Research Project “Regolazione trascrizionale del locus genico codificante la giuntina, la giuntate e l’aspartil-β-idrossilasi” (Fellowship from MIUR). Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2004: Research Project “Regolazione trascrizionale e controllo dello splicing in geni eucariotici usando come modello sperimentale il locus AβH-J-J” (Fellowship from UNIFE and CHIESI FARMACEUTICI). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2005: Research Project “Modelli sperimentali di splicing per lo sviluppo di terapie indirizzate alla talassemia β+IVSI-110”. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2005/2009: Research Project “Regolazione di trascrizione e splicing del locus AbetaH-J-J e del gene della Beta Globina” (Research Fellowship). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2009/2012: Research Project “Analisi dei rapporti tra Biotecnologie e biomedicina, terapia genica e terapie cellulari, utilizzo di cellule staminali (di origine adulta o embrionale) in medicina rigenerativa, problematiche connesse alla clonazione umana a fini terapeutici” (FIRB project). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2011/2012: Research Project “Novel cellular model system and therapeutic molecules for development of a read-through approach for CF caused by stop codon mutation of the CFTR gene” Fellowship from FFC (Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2012: Research Project “Phospholipase C Beta (PLCB) as candidate therapeutic target in CF lung proinflammatory signaling” (Fellowship from FFC (Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2012/2013: Research Project “Sviluppo di modelli sperimentali per molecole in grado di correggere gli effetti della mutazione beta-039 in cellule talassemiche” (Research Fellowship) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2013/2014: Research Project “Sviluppo di molecole a PNA accoppiate alla tecnologia Biacore e SPRI per l’identificazione di mutazioni puntiformi in DNA fetale: disegno e validazione di sonde molecolari a PNA per l’identificazione del cromosoma Y e di mutazioni puntiformi della talassemia nel DNA fetale isolato da sangue materno utilizzando come metodiche analitiche la tecnologia Biacore e la tecnologia SPRI”. Life Sciences and Biotechnology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2014/2016: Research Project “Identificazione di nuove molecole in grado di indurre emoglobina fetale in cellule eritroidi isolate da pazienti stratificati per genotipo” (Research Fellowship). Life Sciences and Biotechnology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).

2016-present: Research Project “Validazione sperimentale e disseminazione di metodologie innovative nel campo della diagnostica non invasiva dei tumori. Life Sciences and Biotechnology Department of Ferrara University (Italy).



2005-present: Member of Thal-Lab: Laboratorio per lo sviluppo di terapie farmacologiche e farmacogenomiche per la Talassemia.

2013-present: Member of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)



2010-2012: Professor of “Advanced Molecular Technologies” (Degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Ferrara University)

2010-2013: Professor of “Molecular Biology of the Cell” (Degree in Biological Sciences, Urbino University)

2013-2014: Professor of “Biomolecular Drugs” (Degree in Pharmacy, Ferrara University)

2014-2016: Professor of "Cellular and Molecular Therapies” (Degree in Biotechnologies and Pharmacy, Ferrara University)

2016: Professor of “Omics and Molecular Diagnostics” (Degree in Environmental and Health Biotechnologies, Ferrara University);


2003-2007 Internal Collaborator FIRB- n°RBNE01333Y­_003 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

2005-2010: Internal Collaborator CARIPARO (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo)

2006-2008: Internal Collaborator PRIN 2005- n°2005038704_005 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

2006-2008: Internal Collaborator Progetto ITHANET, progetto n° 026530

2008-2010: Internal Collaborator TELETHON, progetto n°GGP07257

2008-2010: Internal Collaborator PRIN 2007- n°2007F9TWKE_005 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

2008-2018: Internal Collaborator PRRIITT 2008

2010-2011: Internal Collaborator FFC#02/2010 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2010-2012: Internal Collaborator TELETHON, progetto n°GGP10214

2010-2012: Internal Collaborator FFC#17/2010 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2011-2013: Internal Collaborator FFC#19/2011 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2011-2014: Internal Collaborator Ministero della Salute-BANDO GIOVANI RICERCATORI 2009, progetto n°098/GR-2009-1596647

2011-2015: Internal Collaborator CARIPARO (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo)

2012-2016: Internal Collaborator Progetto THALAMOSS, progetto n° 306201-FP7-HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1

2014-2015: Internal Collaborator Progetto Wellcome Trust 2014, n°104744

2014-2015: Internal Collaborator FFC#8/2014 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2014-2017: External Collaborator FFC#17/2014 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2015-2016: Co-Investigator WADA (WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY)

2015-2018: Internal Collaborator Progetto ULTRAPLACAD, progetto n° 633937-H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage.

2016-2017: Internal Collaborator FFC3#2016 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)

2016-2017: Principal Investigator FIR (FONDO PER L’INCENTIVAZIONE ALLA RICERCA)

2016-2018: Internal Collaborator FFC #1/2016 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica)


2016: winner of the prize entitled "Prof. Paolo Bianco Award" best abstract and poster presented at "VII Meeting Stem Cell Research Italy", Bologna June 21th-23th, 2016.


PUBLICATIONS (at May 2017)
61 papers in refereed journals, 6 book chapters, more than 50 meeting abstracts (H-Index 15; Citations: 615, from Scopus)


Researcher unique identifiers: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7638-515X; Scopus Author ID: 6506289571; ResearcherID: C-6268-2012