PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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  1. Inamdar AA, Goy A, Ayoub NM, Attia C, Oton L et al. Mantle cell lymphoma in the era of precision medicine-diagnosis, biomarkers and therapeutic agents. Oncotarget. 2016
  2. Inamdar AA*, Moe Tun*, Kausar T, Bhattacharyya P, Ayoub NM, Morris D, Siyam N, Sandhu R, Gerona A, Williams S, Oton L, Goy A, Pecora A, K. Suh S. Biomarkers and therapeutic approaches for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the era of precision medicine. Accepted; waiting for Revision (Oncotarget).
  3. Inamdar AA, Remache YK, Oton L et al.  Serum based diagnostic biomarkers for Mantle cell Lymphoma. Submitted.
  4. Inamdar AA, Remache YK, Gerona A, Oton L et al. Serum based prognostic biomarkers for Mantle cell Lymphoma. Submitted.