PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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Matteo FABBRI, PhD student



2004: BS degree in Molecular and cellular Biology, three years degree, 110/110 (University of Ferrara)
2006: MS degree in Biomolecular and Cellular Sciences, two years degree, summa con laude (University of Ferrara)
2017: PhD student in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies (University of Ferrara)




2007-2017: Research fellow, Dept. of Medical Sciences, Sect. of Legal Medicine (University of Ferrara), Lab. Immunology and Forensic Genetics
2017-present: PhD student, Dept. Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine (University of Ferrara)







Supervisors: Dr. Marina Venturi, Prof. Francesco Maria Avato, Prof. Guido Barbujani