PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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        1. Branchini A, Ferrarese M, Lombardi S, Mari R, Bernardi F, Pinotti M. “Differential functional readthrough over homozygous nonsense mutations contributes to the bleeding phenotype in coagulation factor VII deficiency.” (2016) J Thromb Haemost. Oct;14(10):1994-2000.
        2. Barbon E, Ferrarese M, van Wittenberghe L, Sanatine P, Ronzitti G, Collaud F, Colella P, Pinotti M, Mingozzi F. “Transposon-mediated Generation of Cellular and Mouse Models of Splicing Mutations to Assess the Efficacy of snRNA-based Therapeutics.” (2016) Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. Nov 29;5(11):e392.
        3. Branchini A*, Ferrarese M*, Campioni M, Castaman G, Mari R, Bernardi F, Pinotti M. “Specific factor IX mRNA and protein features favor drug-induced readthrough over recurrent nonsense mutations.” (2017) Blood. Apr 20;129(16):2303-2307. *equally contributed