PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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          1. Chiaranda G, Myers J, Mazzoni G, Terranova F, Bernardi E, Grossi G, Codecà L, Conconi F, Grazzi G. (2012) Peak Oxygen Uptake Prediction From a Moderate, Perceptually Regulated, 1-km Treadmill Walk in Male Cardiac Patients. Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 32(5):262-9.
          2. Chiaranda G, Bernardi E, Codecà L, Conconi F, Myers J, Terranova F, Volpato S, Grazzi G. (2013) Treadmill walking speed and survival prediction in men with cardiovascular disease: a 10-year follow-up study. BMJ open. 3:e003446.
          3. Grazzi G, Myers J, Bernardi E, Terranova F, Grossi G, Codecà L, Volpato S, Conconi F, Mazzoni G, Chiaranda C. (2014) Association between VO2peak estimated by a 1-Km treadmill walk and mortality: a 10- year follow-up study in patients with cardiovascular disease. International Journal of Cardiology. 173:248-252.
          4. Bernardi E, Mandolesi G., Pomidori L, Cogo A. (2014) Unexplained dyspnea could be ascribable to postural changes. Shortness of breath. 1:25-27.
          5. Mandolesi G, Avancini G, Bartesaghi M, Bernardi E, Pomidori L, Cogo A. (2014) Long-term monitoring of oxygen saturation at altitude can be useful in predicting the subsequent development of moderate-to-severe Acute Mountain Sickness. Wilderness Environ Med. 25:384-391.
          6. Bernardi E, Melloni E, Mandolesi G, Uliari S, Grazzi G, Cogo A. (2014) Respiratory Muscle Endurance Training Improves Breathing Pattern in Triathletes. Ann Sports Med Res. 1:1003.
          7. Bernardi E, Pomiodri L, Bassal F, Contoli M, Cogo A. (2015) Respiratory muscle training with normocapnic hyperpnea improves ventilatory pattern, thoraco-abdominal coordination and reduces oxygen desaturation during endurance exercise testing in COPD patients. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 10:1899-906.
          8. Malpezzi P, Uliari S, Myers J, Spiridonova M, Grossi G, Terranova F, Collini G, Amabile L, Bernardi E, Mazzoni G, Conconi F, Grazzi G. (2015) Influence of a custom-made maxillary mouthguard on gas exchange parameters during incremental exercise in amateur road cyclists. J Strength Cond Res. 29(3):672-7.
          9. Uliari S, Myers J, Bernardi E, Chiaranda G, Conconi F, Terranova F, Mazzoni G, Grazzi G. (2016) Oxygen Uptake Attenuation at Ventilatory Threshold in Men With Coronary Artery Disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 36(4):258-62.
          10. Bernardi E, Pratali L, Mandolesi G, Spiridonova S, Roi GS, Cogo A. (2017) Thoraco-abdominal coordination and performance during uphill running at altitude. PlosOne. 0174927:12(3).
          11. Bernardi E, Pomiodri L, Cavallari D, Mandolesi G, Cogo A. (2017) Residence at moderate versus low altitude is effective on maintaining a higher oxygen saturation during exercise and reducing acute mountain sickness following a fast ascent to 4559 m. Wilderness Environ Med. 28(2):122-126.
          12. Ujka K, Bruno RM, Bastian L, Bernardi E, Sdringola P, Dickic N, Basyal B, Sundarshan Bhandai S, Basnyat B, Cogo A, Pratali L. (2017) Relationship between occupational physical activity and subclinical vascular damage in moderate-altitude dwellers. High Alt Med Biol. 18(3):249-257.