PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


Home –  PhD students –  Faculty –  Seminars



Date and place of birth: 08/04/1981 Conegliano (TV)  Nationality: Italian

Affiliation and official address:

Biomedical Sport Studies Center

Via Gramicia, 35

44123 Ferrara - Italy

Telephone: +39532455970-1 (office)


28 October 2008: Degree in Medicine and Surgery (University of Ferrara)
09 July 2014: Post graduation in Sport Medicine (University of Bologna)

From November 2014 to October 2017: PhD student (University of Ferrara)

Supervisor Prof. Annalisa Cogo

May 2017: “Can ventilatory analysis during 6MWT give relevant information about exercise limitation in COPD?”. Research project in collaboration with the Pitié- Salpêtrière [Hôpital Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière Charles Foix, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Département "R3S" (Respiration, Réanimation, Réhabilitation, Sommeil)].

Host Supervisor: Prof. Pierantonio Laveneziana.


7-9, 14-16, 21-23 November 2011. Ferrara. Theoretical and practical course at Biomedical Sport Studies Center. Topics: cardiopulmonary test, submaximal test to estimate the VO2 peak (1 km walking test on a treadmill), test to assess the O2 kinetics, cardiac rehabilitation in particular exercise training program.

17/05/2011, 14/04/2012 and 04/05/2013. Ferrara. Promot. Improvement and update course to promote mobility in neurology.

Academic Year 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. University of Ferrara. Teaching support in science and techniques of preventive and adapted exercise activity course: “Theory, Technique and Education in pregnancy and in patients with respiratory diseases”.


03 March – 30 May 2014 winner of the ERS/AIMAR fellowship with the project: "Endothelial dysfunction in patients affected by COPD. Could a pathophysiological link exist between COPD and comorbidity and a new outcome in rehabilitation?" KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Host Supervisor: Prof L. Vanhees.

September 2014 Winner of a scholarship by the Arlotti Foundation (Ferrara, Italy) with the project: "Could endothelial dysfunction be affected by physical activity?"


Researcher unique identifiers:

OrcidID:; ScopusID:55354213600