PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology


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              1. Appocher, C.*, Mohagheghi ,F.*, Cappelli, S., Stuani, C., Romano, M., Feiguin, F., Buratti, E, (2017) . Major hnRNP proteins act as general TDP-43 functional modifiers both in Drosophila and human neuronal cells. Nucleic Acids Research., 45(13):8026-8045 *Joint First Authors
              2. Mohagheghi, F., Prudencio, M., Stuani, C., Cook, C., Jansen-West, K., Dickson, D.W., Petrucelli, L., Buratti, E. (2016) TDP-43 functions within a network of hnRNP proteins to inhibit the production of a truncated human SORT1 receptor. human molecular genetics, 25(3):534-45.
              3. Gaweda-Walerych, K., Mohagheghi, F., Zekanowski, C., Buratti, E. (2016) Parkinson's disease- related gene variants influence pre-mRNA splicing processes. Neurobiology of Aging. 47:127- 138.
              4. Mohagheghi, F., Ahmadiani, A., Rahmani, B., Moradi, F., Romond, N. and Khalaj, L. (2013) Gemfibrozil pretreatment resulted in a sexually dimorphic outcome in the rat models of global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion via modulation of mitochondrial pro-survival and apoptotic cell death factors as well as MAPKs. J Mol Neurosci. 50(3):379-393.
              5. Mohagheghi. F., Khalaj, L., Ahmadiani, A. and Rahmani, B. (2013) Gemfibrozil pretreatment affecting antioxidant defense system and inflammatory, but not Nrf-2 signaling pathways resulted in female neuroprotection and male neurotoxicity in the rat models of global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion. Neurotox Res. 23(3):225-237.
              6. Mohagheghi, F., Bigdeli, M.R., Rasoulian. B., Hashemi. P. and Rashidi Pour. M. (2011) The neuroprotective effect of olive leaf extract is related to improved blood–brain barrier permeability and brain edema in rat with experimental focal cerebral ischemia. Phytomedicine. 18(2-3):170-175.
              7. Mohagheghi, F., Bigdeli, M.R., Rasoulian, B., Zeinanloo, A.A. and Khoshbaten, A. (2010) Dietary virgin olive oil reduces blood brain barrier permeability, brain edema, and brain injury in rats subjected to ischemia-reperfusion. ScientificWorldJournal. 10:1180-1191.