Tel: +39 0545 904602
EDUCATION 2013: BS degree in Biological Sciences, three years (University of Ferrara) 2015: MS degree in Biomolecular & Cellular Sciences, two years, summa cum laude (University of Ferrara) 2016-2019: PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (University of Ferrara)
CAREER/EMPLOYMENT 2013: Volunteer at Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology: Section of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Ferrara (FE), Italy 2014-2015: Volunteer at Dept. Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara (FE), Italy 2016: Telethon fellowship under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Pinton at University of Ferrara 2016: Visiting Scientist at New York University School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Prof. M. Pagano lab, USA 2018-2019: PhD student at Maria Cecilia Hospital, GVM Care & Research, Cotignola/Lugo (RA), Italy 2019-present: Researcher at Maria Cecilia Hospital, GVM Care & Research, Cotignola/Lugo (RA), Italy
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