email: simone.patergnani@unife.it
Tel: +39 0532 455804
EDUCATION 2006: BS degree in Biological Sciences, three years (University of Ferrara) 2009: MS degree in Biomolecolar and Cellular Sciences, two years (University of Ferrara) 2013: PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (University of Ferrara) 2019: National Board in Biology
CAREER/EMPLOYMENT 2009: Fellowship "PRRIITT - LABORATORY BIOPHARMANET", University of Ferrara 2010: Research Fellowship "Investigation of the autophagic process in mitochondrial diseases cell lines", University of Ferrara 2010-2013: Ph.D. student, University of Ferrara 2011-2013: Training Research Fellowship FISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation) 2013-present: Post-Doc, University of Ferrara 2013-2015: Research Fellowship FISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation) 2015-2017: Senior Research Fellowship FISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation) 2017-2018: Research Fellowship: "Dependent Malignant Mesothelioma: mechanisms and early detection" at University Hospital of Ferrara 2018-2020: Researcher for Maria Cecilia Hospital, GVM Care & Research, Cotignola (RA), Italy 2020-present: Post-Doc, University of Ferrara
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